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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2021 in all areas

  1. What's up everybody I just bought a 21 Can Am. I'm from the PNW about 45 minutes South of Seattle in Enumclaw WA. I got behind the wheel of a Sidexside a few months back and immediately began searching for the rig I wanted. I have always driven quads but I'm 37 and a tile specialist and my body needs a break on the weekends. I love my car so far. Any tid bits or tips are greatly appreciated. I went and rode the little Naches Trail this last weekend and had the time of my life!! I was convinced speed and the dunes is where I'd spend most of my time but the trails were amazing. Both have their perks. I just found this board and figured if give it a go. Thanks for listening.
    1 point
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