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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Just wanted to share a few photos of some recent mods. Heat shield photo was taken before lift was installed. Still have heater, overhead console wire harness and snorkel kit sitting in the garage that I need to get installed.
    1 point
  2. None, nor electric cars. It is an industry in it's infancy that needs time to mature. Electricity is not an energy source it needs to be generated from energy sources--currently in the civilized world a modestly inefficient process to create AC current, we then carry it, with losses, over power lines to it's application where in the case of electric vehicles we convert it to DC--with losses-to charge batteries to convert that stored energy to motive force (with losses) Direct conversion of an energy source (gasoline) to motive force is modestly inefficient but still in the overall more efficient than all the conversion and transmission loses. In any valid "Well to Wheels" analysis, modern ICE's win every time...
    1 point
  3. All quite accurate, however in this instance the 50 mm² cable and/or the manner in which the terminals were attached were inadequate to their task. Also, sizing of cables with less than 50 % of potential full-load capacity--then relying on a "normal usage" factor to save your butt--is hardly sound engineering.; an d again in this instance created a significant hazard. They should be sized for at least 80% of maximum load; however in the OP's case it looks as though the terminations were not properly crimped leading to excessive resistance...
    1 point
  4. 50mm 2 cable is adequate for the E1 . Rangers use slightly smaller cable size and many mainstream EVs use 50mm2 for the motor cables. You would need max power for some hours to get the cabling warm, let alone so hot as to melt the outer. As its happened in one location and high resistance would cause the localised heating that has to be the cause. I have owned and work on EVs for my income for the last 10 years. 50mm2 is adequate, for this use. The vehicle does not produce a constant 20+kw its a peak power output, if it did you would be working it continuously under full load, The motors are rated at under 7kw at continuous use under normal usage. At continuous 20kw use the motor and sevcon would have been cutting back due to over heating. Just to say the cable is undersized is to misunderstand how its used and how the vehicle functions., and the motor / controller specifications. It could also be a motor cabling fault at the junction with the three feed cables. Hisun really need to investigate this properly. The cable size has not been cut its always been the same. I have worked on a few early E1s and they are the same. Some have already been through two sets of batteries prior to coming to me for Li Ion conversions. None have had this problem. The cable from the Sevcon controller to the pack is the same size cable and if it were undersized then that would have been the first section to get hot and fail. On the Polaris rangers which I have been in for Li ion conversions, thats so far about 17, which have the higher power Sevcon controller and higher power motor than the E1, none have had fault due to cable sizing . The ranger motor (I just looked ) is rated at 8.5kw and is higher power than the hisun E1. 50mm2 is in between AWG 1 and 0 its larger than 1 (approx 42mm2) and smaller than 0 (approx 53mm2)
    1 point
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