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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2021 in all areas

  1. Just wanted to share a few photos of some recent mods. Heat shield photo was taken before lift was installed. Still have heater, overhead console wire harness and snorkel kit sitting in the garage that I need to get installed.
    1 point
  2. None, nor electric cars. It is an industry in it's infancy that needs time to mature. Electricity is not an energy source it needs to be generated from energy sources--currently in the civilized world a modestly inefficient process to create AC current, we then carry it, with losses, over power lines to it's application where in the case of electric vehicles we convert it to DC--with losses-to charge batteries to convert that stored energy to motive force (with losses) Direct conversion of an energy source (gasoline) to motive force is modestly inefficient but still in the overall more efficient than all the conversion and transmission loses. In any valid "Well to Wheels" analysis, modern ICE's win every time...
    1 point
  3. To get the heat shield call Grenada Bad Boys and ask for Mike JR in service. Number is 662-307-2729. A couple positive things about it is they are a Tracker Dealer and they actually use their machines. See item is that the heat shield is hinged to allow you to open it up in the winter when you want that heat hitting your firewall.
    1 point
  4. That is just normal operation and the same with cars and trucks! But the issue is with these the firewalls are not insulated!!! so we feel it
    1 point
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