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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2021 in all areas

  1. To get the heat shield call Grenada Bad Boys and ask for Mike JR in service. Number is 662-307-2729. A couple positive things about it is they are a Tracker Dealer and they actually use their machines. See item is that the heat shield is hinged to allow you to open it up in the winter when you want that heat hitting your firewall.
    1 point
  2. After my repair center tried for 7 months to fix, I finally found that the hose clamps on the fuel filter were allowing air to get into the fuel line. Replaced the hose clamps with better ones and cured issue
    1 point
  3. Same issue here I just bought one new and with very little load and riding it heats up to 208 degrees and the fan will kick on. We feel all the heat coming up from the floorboard and the dash gets warm too. Do these things run that hot with just light duty of riding 20-25mph?? It like the thermoset is not working to allow coolant to cool the engine. What's the website to order the heat shields?
    1 point
  4. Your probably picking up the heat that the Radiator Fan is throwing at the dash. There is a guy in Mississippi that makes a Radiator deflector shield that mounts to the back of the Radiator and deflects the heat down to the ground. I installed one on my machine and it does help a lot with the heat. The shield is also hinged so that in the winter time you can lift up on the door and now you have the heat coming back to the firewall to help with warmth in the cab. The only thing I can’t tell you yet is how much dust is the shield going to kick up while on the trail. I’m scheduled for another trip to the Hatfield And McCoy trails in October and will find out then.
    1 point
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