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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2021 in all areas

  1. There are several variations to the 4010 model, so post the model number of the 4010, it'll be like KAF_____-__ or similar. It should be one of the numbers listed below.
    1 point
  2. I think you're looking at clogged idle circuit in the carburetor. Pull the choke about 1/4, 1/2, and then full and see if you can get it to idle.
    1 point
  3. I, too, am interested in how this issue gets resolved. I also want to highlight some of the benefits/versatility (at least for me) using a solar/electric UTV (Hisun Sector E1): I traveled deep into public lands in New Mexico with a high-efficiency electric refrigerator (store food/game) and electric skillet (no open flames for cooking). The Hisun also powers a cabin entirely or as an augmented source when needed. I plan to replace all the lead-acid batteries with LiFePo4 batteries. I have already done so for the cabin with very good results.
    1 point
  4. I have never liked the cord in the glove box to charge the E1. It takes up to much room and in the winter the cord is very stiff. So I decided to install a charge port like the EV's have. I purchased a weatherproof socket to install in the side of the E1. Wired the charge cable to the socket and installed it. So much easier now to plug the charge cord into the socket, and I have more room in the glove box. On another note: Since I have owned the E1 I have noticed a rattle in the right front area but I never could locate it until last week when I had the E1 up in the air on a lift. When I grabbed the right front wheel it a play in it. So I removed the wheel and torqued the nut on the drive shaft and the play is gone. I am thinking when it was assembled the nut was just hand tightened and the cotter pin installed. I also found that the left front nut was not tight either. Backs were OK.
    1 point
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