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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2021 in all areas

  1. BOY, we dodged a bullet.. at the last minute it hooked north.. we got minimal damage and brief power outages.. Dont know yet about my place at Whiskey Bay. its 50 miles closer to where EYE passed. New Orleans was DEVASTATED! 20 inches of rain and 150mph winds .. It looks like Afghanistan after a Biden withdrawal
    1 point
  2. The E1 has a small 12v battery to run the instruments, lights etc. You can't connect a light bar to the Discover Dry Cell batteries. Individually, they are 6 volts, but there's eight of them in series to make 48 volts that runs the motor. In the battery compartment under the seat, you'll see the dry cell batteries, but also a smaller ATV-type 12v battery directly underneath where you sit to drive. There's a fuse and relay box down there too. I'd recommend not fiddling around in there unless you're absolutely sure what you're doing, as the 48v system could cause you a nasty injury if you short it by mistake. On the UK version, there's a 12v accessory point in the dash along with all the control buttons. There's also a 12v supply to the registration plate light on the underside of the tilting load bed. Either of those should be safe to tap into for a light bar, and are only live when the ignition is on.
    1 point
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