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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2021 in all areas

  1. More issues with the 2019 Coleman 550. It stopped running again. Long story/short, I checked valves, injector (replaced) plug (replaced 2x with new NGK) checked fuel flow , it eventually started. Ran great for a while, 10 minutes or so. Then it started the spitting and sputtering and not wanting to rev up. When first started it would rev freely (no load) to 6-7K, which was as high as I felt comfortable. Wouldn't go past 4500-5k under load on the road. It gets going and then it cuts out. The drivers seat belt is buckled. The previous time I still had it under warranty, I eventually got it to a shop that removed the in-line fuel filter that had been added and then it ran good. My thought is that the fuel pump may be weak. The other possibility that occurs to me is the cut out/retarder for the seatbelt is malfunctioning. I purchased a CD of the shop manual, but it appears to be for an older model with a carb and not the EFI. Open to hearing thoughts and opinions and which way to proceed. I'm planning on replacing fuel pump and fuel line and getting a (hopefully) better quality injector. I would appreciate any sources (Motorcycle Dr???) for better quality components. I have also been told by a person claiming to be a Hisun tech in a southwestern state that the way to "set" the machines CPU/Brain/whatever you call it, is to hold the gas pedal to floor let it get to it's highest RPM and then shut off ignition. I'm assuming one does this ASAP. Does this sound even remotely correct? I picture a blown engine myself, but I'm an old guy, so...
    1 point
  2. I spoke with my dealer today. He said they actually had a couple mules delivered today, hopefully there will be more to come. Mine still hasn’t arrived. Been almost 10 weeks.
    1 point
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