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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2021 in all areas

  1. If you want excitement, sell your Kubota and buy a Massimo.. ENDLESS hours of trying to diagnose and eliminate problems.. BIG FUN!
    1 point
  2. The problem is that you want it to fit in the bed of a truck. Anything that small probably wouldn't have any real power. Especially with the dollar amount given. And the high center of gravity of a UTV, would make a narrow model, unsafe at anything more than 20, or 30 mph. All that means is it'd be taking the fun, and speed factor to almost nothing. If it doesn't have to be used for work, why not get a really nice go-kart, or even a dune buggy? Most go-karts have suspension, and some have large motors too. The dune buggy can be street legal.
    1 point
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