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  1. https://www.501parts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2004-2007-Rhino-660-Manual.pdf
    1 point
  2. I think this diagram is better. When you lock the differential, the servo motor turns, engages the teeth on part #7, slides it to the left in your picture, or right in the picture below, riding on rod #6, so that the forks on #7 that engage on part #11 cause it to move to the right in the picture below and engage inside part #9, locking the differential.
    1 point
  3. Have the head and block mating surfaces checked. Sure sounds like a warped head or maybe a crack between the cooland and oil passages. Common occurrance when overheted and run until it runs no more. If warped, might be able to have the head and/or block machined. A crack can also be repaired (maybe).
    1 point
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