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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2022 in all areas

  1. I put one under the seat of my Massimo 500 with a battery isolator and an inverter in order to run the winch without draining the main battery and also have 110v available for other outdoor tools and such. I did not use a deep discharge battery because of the finicky nature of the charging of these types of batteries. They are easily damaged if not charged correctly, especially the new lithium-ion units, requiring special chargers. The primary alternator charges the secondary battery as well as the primary. but the isolator rejects the feedback when the secondary battery is in use. I also have a by-pass switch installed to throw the secondary battery into primary service should the primary battery become disabled. The one concern I see about the installation you propose is that 8KW is allot of heat. A common milk house heater is 1.5KW. I have a 10KW propane heater in my 12'x24' shop and keep it 80deg when it's 10deg outside. It's insulated but still. Looks like a good unit though. Doug
    1 point
  2. Buck 450 wireless winch remote control. Opened up the winch relay control box. AS some reported for other models, there's a factory wireless receiver in there, but they won't sell you a remote for it. Easy to replace since it's on quick connects. Disconnect the factory receiver and replace. Amazon has a bunch of very similar units. I replaced it with this ($20) . took 15 minutes. Wiring is the same. This photo is the inside of the winch relay control box located in the passenger side front wheel well. Two screws hold the relay box to the frame. Remove those and just turn the box around. 6 small screws on the back, Open it up, remove the factory receiver. I clipped off the screw tabs on the new receiver just to make it easier to slide into the case. Clipped the new receiver wires and added quick connect lugs. This remote works great from up to 100 feet away. https://www.amazon.com/AUTOUTLET-Recovery-Controller-(Batteries-included)/dp/B07CPRVW6Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=13OR05GVT51TT&keywords=AUTOUTLET+2PCS+Recovery&qid=1645882829&s=automotive&sprefix=autoutlet+2pcs+recovery%2Cautomotive%2C53&sr=1-1
    1 point
  3. i would do it for peace of mind...........yes, difficult to spend the cash now, but in a month or less, you won't care......
    1 point
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