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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2022 in all areas

  1. Yes, absolutely . It is very important to come to a complete stop
    1 point
  2. Doc IV I’ve been told that running it below 25 mph in high range is harder on the wet clutch, and will cause early failure, running it faster in high range is fine. I don’t know if it’s true, but a friend ran his HIsun 700 in only high range, and burned up his wet clutch in 100 hours. Motor Cycle Doctor says it has to do with a combination of low oil fill, and running it in high range. So far following that advice, mine runs fine. Most of my use is under 25 Mph, When I intend go faster, I put it in high range.
    1 point
  3. Hey Tejun, I use my new Coleman just the opposite of you. I mostly use High Gear for tooling around the hood as I only have 1 acre but go into our community's Nature Preserve Trail to have fun. My Coleman is only a week old so I appreciate all the input I can get from fellow owners.
    1 point
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