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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi, I have a 2021 buck 450 that would pop out of gear when you put it in gear and hit the gas. couldn't get any help from massimo or the place I bought it from. Cant find a service manual for it, pulled off the seat and there two cables going to the trans from your gear shift left one is for low, right one is for high and reverse . I used a 3/4 inch wrench to loosen and tighten . adjustable wrench to keep the cable from spinning, lengthened the left cable about 1/4" and it stays in low and doesn't pop out or grind anymore, never had any problems with high and reverse. If anyone knows where you can get a service manual it would be great, hope this helps John
    1 point
  2. Just wanted to give update . It was the ecm. Put new one on and got spark immediately to front cylinder. Ran but smoking and no power. I checked back cylinder and no fire. Pulled coil to check with meter and found wire was not getting good connection where it plugs into coil. All good now . She will scream !!!. Next is to figure out why 4x4 switch wont turn. Thanks for all the imput....
    1 point
  3. The CKP (CranKshaft Position sensor controls when the spark occurs--if it is bad there will be no spark. The black/white wire to the coil is +12V supplied by the ECU, the black/blue wire is the active "drive" signal for the coil--it will be at ground potential when the coil is charging, and floating (disconnected) when the spark occurs. The way it works is that when the ECU grounds the black/blue wire the coil's primary windings are energised and build a magnetic field in the coil's iron core--when the ground to the black/blue wire is disconnected that field collapses generating high voltage in the secondary windings. When that happens is controlled by the CKP...
    1 point
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