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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2022 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. I have a 2021 Massimo T-Boss 550. I had the same problems. When I did my first oil change, I replaced the filter and filled with a good quality synthetic oil specifically for wet clutch and put in just a tiny bit extra over the full mark and I noticed a huge improvement. ALSO- VERY IMPORTANT... always let the engine warm up and build up pressure before putting into gear. On cold start up I always start up and soon as I get in the barn, get off, open the barn door and take a little time to hop back on. I find with this machine I have to handle it with kid gloves or I fear it with break apart. Among other many problems, the Trailer Hitch Receiver snapped after a few uses. When I took a good look at it I was disgusted on how thin the metal is holding it in place; any thinner it would be called tin foil. My buddy is a welder and when he looked at it (to repair it) he couldn't stop laughing. He had to weld an additional 1/4" steel plate underneath to secure it.
    1 point
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