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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2022 in all areas

  1. Does the cooling fan come on at all? If not, there's the issue to track down as to why. Could be that the fan motor has given up the ghost, or a solenoid has gone bad, loose or broken wiring, etc. If the fan does come on, you could have a bad thermostat, or the sensor at the radiator that signals the fan to turn on and off could be bad. There also may be an air pocket in the cooling system, which will cause the issue you describe. For the air pocket, you need to locate the bleed screws and bleed the air out. You will also probably have to elevate the front end to assist on removing the air. That's all I know, which I mostly picked from others on this forum. Hopefully someone else will chime in to add to this. Good luck!
    1 point
  2. I bought a 2" adapter tube from Amazon and now I just slide my Reese hitch into the adapter.
    1 point
  3. You might have missed a wire connection or something similar. It's not that uncommon to break other stuff while you're working on something. It happens, and you shouldn't worry about it. Just move on, and focus on finding the problem. You need to go over all the wiring that might have been disturbed, or disconnected, while fixing the last issue. It cranks, but have you looked to see if it's got spark? If not, then check the coil
    1 point
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