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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Playing on some crappy gravel roads I've noticed a fair bit of rattling from the bed area. I decided to try adding some soundproofing mat under the bed. Here's what I did: I got some peel and stick sound matting with a foil backing off Amazon. It's meant for sound deadening in automotive applications. I Cut the pieces to size so they would fit between the framing and applied. I only did the middle as the sides of the bed are part of the wheelwell and subject to mud spray and splashing. It has eliminated all the bed rattle and seems to have reduced some of the engine noise. I've done a few test drives and have no heat issues on the matting.
    1 point
  2. WEUPE Sound Deadening Mat for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YNYBM5J?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
    1 point
  3. I was under the rig playing today so I decided to adjust the parking brake just to make sure it was ok, since I've read a couple people having them adjusted too tight from the factory. First picture is the parking brake disc & caliper from the passenger side. Second picture is the adjustment bolt. How it works: it's a cable operated disc brake with a locking pawl to hold it where you push the pedal to. Procedure: The pad tightness is adjusted by moving the bolt in the 2nd picture in and out. When you tighten it it pushes the pads together. The extra nut on it is a lock nut. Using a 13mm wrench loosen the lock nut. Back it off about halfway just so it's out of the way. Next tighten the bolt by hand until it stops. From there back it off about a half turn. Push the parking brake and make sure the pedal "locks up" before running out of travel. If it doesn't adjust the bolt slightly tighter and try it again. Once you're happy with the adjustment tighten the lock nut while keeping the bolt stationary.
    1 point
  4. I had Front left brake squeak. Removed wheel to investigate and found hub nut loose. Torqued to specs as close as I could, and that seems to have cured brake squeak problem.
    1 point
  5. There are actually 5 disc brakes on these machines. 1 for each wheel and 1 on the rear driveshaft for the parking brake. I've read several complaints of the parking brake one being too tight from the factory so I would check the cable and make sure there's a little slack when the parking brake is released. If that is good I would jack up each corner Individually and spin the wheel to listen for noise and feel for dragging. That should help pinpoint where the issue is.
    1 point
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