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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2022 in all areas

  1. I worked on 2016 Intimidator with code 29 motor temp sensor fault. Motor winding sensors were open circuiut. After much research, found programmer from curtis to tell controller "No" temp sensor. Programmer connects to a 4 pin molex plug zip tied to bracket under hood.
    1 point
  2. @derrick2544 is the user that sent me the message
    1 point
  3. I've been looking for a cross to a filter from a known manufacturer since I bought this machine. Both from a cost standpoint, and a known quality standpoint. The factory filters are just plain black with no markings. Due to price point on these machines I would assume that the factory filter would be made as.cheap as possible I have not had any real luck finding a cross, so In doing my first oil change I decided to cut the factory filter and see what is inside. I don't have a fancy oil filter cutting set up, so I just clamped it in the vise and went to town with my portaband. Excuse the rough cuts and metal shavings. Looks like a good quality filter, plenty of pleats/surface area. Metal endcaps. Excuse the crushing, that's from the vise/strap wrench to remove it. Relief valve And a spring in the bottom of the can to keep the top silicone anti-drainback pressed in place. Overall looks like a surprisingly good quality filter for a no name. At least we can know that using the factory filters on these should be acceptable. I feel better about paying $10 for this filter at least knowing it's good quality.
    1 point
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