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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2022 in all areas

  1. I would steer clear of a belt driven machine for heavy towing and steep hills. Under load the belts can start to slip, and once they start you will burn em up fast. These things are really meant to tow light loads, if any. Skidding smaller logs with a log arch might be doable on flattish terrain. If it's actually 45 degrees you aren't likely to find a vehicle that's safe to operate on it. Coleman/Axis are both rebadged Hisuns. Massimo is the other major Chinese brand. When looking at Massimo be aware that the numbers don't always correspond with the motor CCs like they do with most other brands, for example a T-Boss 410 is 352 CCs. Tracker is made by Textron/Arctic Cat. What's the issue with the Kawi?
    1 point
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