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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2022 in all areas

  1. Agreed. After all the money we invest in these things, imagine getting a lemon. I've read more horror stories than not about reliability, but virtually none have been about the Mule. Our SX has been a godsend. The things we've been able to do since getting a year and a half ago are countless. We have a really long driveway and used to have to walk the trash and recycling down to the road. Now we haul it down in a trailer with the Mule. Never realized how much that sucked until now. We live in the woods and burn about 3 cords of firewood in the winter and this thing hauls about 50 percent more wood than my old ATV. I'v e also been able to pull logs out of the woods with a tow hitch and tow strap. Haven't even needed to add a winch yet. I'm looking forward to adding a snowplow someday, but for now we have a snowblower. Regarding the lack of power, just saw a vid on youtube about a quick fix that adds about 10 mph. It voids the warrranty of course but I wouldn't attempt it till after the warranty runs out anyway. I've attached the link for anyone interested. Works on both the 610 and SX. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc9u8f0fQRE
    1 point
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