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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2022 in all areas

  1. I've seen a number of requests for the location of all the grease points on these machines, and there is no definitive list in the manual. This covers the UT400, but other Coleman/Hisun models should be similar. Tools: First to grease your machine you need a grease gun and some NLGI#2 grease. You will find it helpful to buy a needle attachment as pictured here, due to poor clearance on some of the U-joints. The rest of the zerks use the standard attachment. Technique: Wipe any dirt/grease off the zerk before greasing to prevent pushing gunk inside and causing excess wear. Push the grease gun on the zerk at a straight angle and give it a few pumps. You will hear an oozing noise or sea grease coming out from the outside of the greased area when you've put enough grease in, a few pumps should be plenty. If it's just oozing around the zerk you either don't have a good seat with the gun, or the zerk may be rusted and the check ball frozen. Try seating it again and regrease. Wipe up any excess grease when youre done to prevent making a mess. Greasepoints: Rear A-Arms are greasable with the wheels on from the rear, I took the picture with the wheel off for easier visibility That's it. All other Hisuns should be substantially similar.
    1 point
  2. 1. Yep they're known for this, the plow mentioned won't help with keeping the wet clutch plates alive. 2. I would check the compression and go from there. I haven't heard of a lot of ring failures. There are complete head assemblies as well as cylinders available for very reasonable prices. The recomendation is to go high on the oil. Motorcycle doctor sells an extended dipstick and tube for all models except the 400. The claim is that Hisun changed the dipstick shorter somewhere along the way and more oil helps prolong wet clutch life. 2.5. Every wet clutch motorcycle/atv/sxs I'm aware of shares engine and transmission oil. Make sure you use MA2 wet clutch oil. 3. Toe is the only adjustment unless you want to do the old shade tree method of bending parts to adjust caster and camber. I doubt most power sports shops have alignment tools anyway. 4. Not sure off the top of my head. There are user & service manuals available in the "downloads" section. The user manuals describe the clock adjustments. I think I covered most of your questions.
    1 point
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