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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2023 in all areas

  1. What you found is the hardened sealant put on the output shaft/coupling cup. It only looks like a manufactured part as it was "molded" to almost make it look like a 2 stroke rod bearing cage. Clean it good as in getting all the hardened sealant "needles" and oil off. Apply sealant sparingly to the outside of the shaft spline (you don't want a goober pushed into the engine/tranny case). Next, give a good coating to the coupler spline inside (this will be pushed outward to the threaded end when pushed onto the output shaft). This seals the spline/coupler interface. Next coat the washer face surface of the coupler and add some to the cleaned washer face also. Slide on the washer, smashing out a blob of sealant to seal the washer to the coupling and also have some seal to the nut when you buzz down the nut. Use a quality NON-HARDENING SEALANT.
    1 point
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