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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2023 in all areas

  1. I'll try again, I typed a lengthy reply, but it disappeared. According to the Owners Manual, section 10-15, every 400 hours in answer to your question. When you change the engine oil, the drain plug will have a spring and screen sitting on top. The spring will be under compression and will want to pop out and go flying if you're not expecting it. To reinstall it, get your machine as high as you can to have room to put it in. The trick will be to balance the spring and screen, cup side down in the spring, on the plug. then press the whole thing into the hole until the spring is compressed and the plug threads are flush with the hole threads, and screw it in. The spring compression will fight you so when you push it in be sure you can rotate your wrist far enough to start the threads. There's also an o ring on the plug so be sure not to lose it.
    1 point
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