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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2023 in all areas

  1. As of today i have 4 units waiting for updated shift lever . Calling again to find out status . Its nothing new, they have always been horrible about contacts, replies , parts order time frame. I just go with thte flow . You get what you pay for . These units look nice , and actually preform pretty well for the cost . When yu have a Chinese company "Hisun " subbing out prduction to a Vietmese company to build a low cost UTV ,kinda get what you get. Other than the shifter issue, wheel bearings not torqued etc they are pretty decent . Looks like they cloned a Yamaha Rhino . If shift levers are not avail I may start producting some myself . Need to figure out cores, shipping etc .
    1 point
  2. I had a bad experience with a Coleman (Hisun) UTV (mechanical issues). If it were me, I'd run away as far and fast as you can. I spent the money and got a Kubota. 900 hours later, not one issue.
    1 point
  3. Just out if curiosity how many miles/hours did you put on it? What exactly are they saying the issue is? Frequently commercial use shortens or negates warranties so that doesn't entirely surprise me.
    1 point
  4. Given all the negatives I've read about Hisun on this forum I certainly don't want to come across as a shill for them. Maybe I've been lucky but my Sector 750 which I bought new in Jan. 2021 has been running fine. However, I only have 65 hours on it so far and don't push it too hard - snowplowing in winter (350x12' driveway), winching logs and hauling firewood on my 75ac. I keep it stored out of the elements in a shed. Good luck with the search.
    1 point
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