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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2023 in all areas

  1. Bryan G: Thanks for the good info! Appreciate knowing that warehouse may ship out repair parts out soon (we've been waiting months). By carefully shifting F<>N<>R, we can get into the desired gear about 80% of first attempt times. The general squeaking is annoying, thanks for the tip about checking the wheel bearings!
    1 point
  2. I have done both, the bolted extension and welding , Just had a new claim for shift issues come in , new machine and it had the updated shifter from factory . Somebody listened , lol . I had to extend this shift lever another 1/2 inch . Inch and quarter from original. Few cable adjustments and works fine now . Also see lot of brake squealing noise complaints . Jack up wheel , grab top and bottom, wiggle. If it moves wheel bearing is loose and will let rotor just touch brake pad and make noise . Pull Cotter pin, tighten axle nut to next pin position . Usually fixes it . Coleman rep said they were moving warehouse or some BS . Parts wont be shipped for few weeks yet as of 7/23 /23 . I got tired of waiting and just mod the shifters myself and bill coleman for it now . Cant have stuff sitting for months.
    1 point
  3. I found out quickly that the bushing was a 2-piece plastic bushing. With the inside bushing out of the shifter, you can rotate the lever to the side and it will all come out without having to remove the bezel. Once all apart and cleaned up, all the pieces were loose and lubricated for reassembly. Like I said, you should bend down the cable bracket mount just a bit to re-align the cable end with the lever. I used a large Cresent wrench to bend the bracket without any problem. Good luck with your revision! Dan
    1 point
  4. Yeah with the Yamaha timing components, cam and valves the motor was better and maybe that cratered the trans? So a Yamaha motor will probably gut the axles... Sent from my moto g stylus using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. I finally found a service manual in stock and was able to make the adjustments per the specs!
    1 point
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