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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2023 in all areas

  1. Rainman, six months, 100 hours, or 1000 miles is a general interval for ATV/UTV oil changes. Searching for hisun/colemans recommended intervals only turn up 800 numbers. The seafood is made of mostly naphtha and isopropyl alcohol. That stuff will destroy any seals, plastic, rubber, rust, etc it comes into contact with. Known to ruin injectors, so user beware. Hopefully you got your situation figured out, and take it slow in the driveway.
    1 point
  2. Joe. I looked over the instruction link I posted above and it just states the following: "Next up we need to spin the motor over to top dead center. Grab each rocker arm and give em a little wiggle up and down. Spin the engine over by grabbing the fan with your other hand. Spin the engine over until both rockers have some wiggle and are loose." From my experience, TDC would be when the intake valve is at it's highest point and not spinning the engine until the rocker arms have some wiggle. What procedure did you use to find the TDC?
    1 point
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