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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Hey Folks, I have a BMS Ranch Stallion 4x4 that has been a really good UTV. I have recently burned the belt out by using it to get a tractor back on its feet after someone dumped it on its side. I found the belt online (380.00 bucks) and I have pulled the cover off to expose the belt. I pulled the old belt off but can not figure out how to reduce the tension on the pulleys. I do not know how to loosen the nut that hold the clutch on as it just spins the whole drive, how do i hold the spindle the nut threads onto? I can not find anyhing on the web about the bms ranch stallion and belt replacement. Anyone ever work on one of these?
    1 point
  2. This is a 2018 BMS Ranch Stallion.
    1 point
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