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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2024 in all areas

  1. If manual says 87 then it's good. All 3 of mine call for premium
    1 point
  2. Higher octane fuel burns slower and prevents knocking and pinging. Also it tends to have a longer shelf life before it breaks down. If your model is equipped with antiknock sensor you will find a noticeable performance increase with high octane fuel due to automatic timing advance to take advantage of the fuels burn time. Regardless it never hurts to run higher octane fuel and for the amount powersports equipment burns price is really negligible. I try to run nothing but premium in anything but my truck... for both performance and incase it sits for a month or more.
    1 point
  3. Wouldnt hurt to just drain the whole fuel system and try fresh fuel. Easy enough to do
    1 point
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