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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2024 in all areas

  1. We see a lot of the UT400 with shift problems, not going into gear, popping out of gear, grinding etc. There is a bulletin Im sure everyone has saw about adjusting shift cable. That dont always fix it. I went round n round with coleman on couple units. We are a Coleman warranty repair center"AFS Small Engine Repair " I told them shift lever does not have enough travel . No amount of cable adjustment will increase travel . I extended lever with piece on flat iron by 3/4 of inch . This gave shifter enough travel to properly engage into gear completely . Last couple units to come in for this Coleman sent me a modified shift lever, with longer travel . Problem solved! Also , heads up if you get any new unit ,,,go over and check it out, grease all zerks, check air filter for being in backwards, check wiring harnesses for rubbing on rotating parts, brake hose routing , make sure not touching exhaust . These are just few of the more common failures I see .
    1 point
  2. I have a 3500LB Winch that only runs in one direction. Inward but not Out. Replaced the solenoid module. Makes "click" when I push the "Out" button and the motor tries to spool out but then stops and begins to "click". Does anyone have suggestions what I should try next?
    1 point
  3. 2 switches installed. The remote (tethered) and the dashboard toggle switches react both the same way. Push "Out" and the motor attempts to start but stops and then it "clicks" .
    1 point
  4. 263 downloads

    This is a complete service manual for the Kawasaki Mule 500,520 and 550 models. Topics covered include Brakes, Steering, Electrical system, suspension and fuel system. As well as engine repair procedures and Transmission/Final Drive procedures. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** If you need more information about the engine this manual linked below is chock full of information. Thanks goes to @cliffyk for getting these files all into one PDF format for uploading.
    1 point
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