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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2024 in all areas

  1. Having owed ATVs/UTVs for 30 years, I would strongly advise owning only major brands like Honda or Polaris. The cheap machines are just what you pay for - cheap machines. Be sure you know where you can get service, parts, and answers to any questions prior to buying a machine. You need a dealer and not a Lowes store when something needs attention. I've owned Honda products which are very high quality, but I'd think hard about Polaris if I were in the market for a machine. There are a few other manufacturers that I'm sure offer reasonable support, but a dealer is critical IMHO even though the better machines are reliable. The forums are a good place for information of course. If you have a trail that you plan to ride in your area, go there and talk to the people that have experience. People really like to help.
    1 point
  2. Yes! The U1 battery format is one of the shortsighted design issues in the 550 series. It is completely unsuitable for a UTV, but that is the hand we are dealt.I assume that you use the same battery in your 410. Just buy the biggest and best unit that will fit in the tray. I bought an AGM 350 CCA battery from Amazon. (ASIN: B0CKSKHDM6) There may be others that fit in that space, but my issue was resolved using the Sealed AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) construction rather than the flooded lead acid design. And NEVER buy a N-EVERSTART battery from the Big Wally if you want to get home! 🏁
    1 point
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