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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Welcome! Just a introduction to the offshore brand machines. They tend to be underpowered and high geared for heavy loads or work. Be sure to use low range when working. Also i suggest putting your cooling fan on a direct ignition relay, bypass temp sensor, quad is on fan is on for work. Or you can put fan on a switch, turn on in low range, but you can accidentally forget. These tips will help prevent overloading or overheating the engine Cheers from Canada!
    1 point
  2. I fixed it -- evidentley when I checked the oil one of the times, I unplugged a green wire -- changed the oil today, noticed the unplugged wire, and now the issue is resolved...
    1 point
  3. By "small body tank" do you mean carberator bowl? If so you might have a fuel pump issue. I'm not familar with the carbed models do they have an electric pump? have you tested the pressure on the fuel line? is there an inline filter?
    1 point
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