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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2024 in all areas

  1. Right, but figured it wasn't completely airlocked. Thought there may have been some coolant circulation. I know on the Axis 500 (different I know) there is a sending unit in the radiator. That the only one I know of. And coot said the radiator fan kicked on. So there should have been some circulation. But maybe not.
    1 point
  2. Have you watched the driveshaft when this is happening. I have an Axis 500. And had the splines on the drive shaft bad and the cup on engine bad. Replaced both and have been great for almost a year. If not the drive shaft/cup, then I going to guess it is something inside the rear differential. As far as the video goes. It would be better to upload to YouTube. Set it to anyone with a link and post a link to it. I had to download and play with VLC to watch. Were you on a hard pull, level or going uphill when it 1st happen?
    1 point
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