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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2024 in all areas

  1. Hey Admins - What's with all the advertisements lately? This is so bad that it seems there are more ads than posts and I find it hard to follow a post because of all the ads slipping in between each post or they're taking up space above or below posts on my screen. It's a little too much and pushing me not to be here anymore. I loved being here and communicating with others, but finding it very hard to follow posts with these ads jumping in and out all the time on each page. Please fix this and thank you!
    1 point
  2. Yes, please see what you can do. Now, ads are popping up on top of posts and I cannot shut them down, so I can't even read certain posts. I click on the X in the corner and the ad changes with an arrow in the opposite corner. I click on the arrow and the previous as appears.
    1 point
  3. Doubt this will help but you have a pretty much typical Massimo. I don't understand why Tractor Supply, Lowes and others continue to carry them. .
    0 points
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