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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2024 in all areas

  1. I almost wrote that it depends on the use but I didn't want to make my comment too long. I can certainly see the need for a gas engine if you're traveling a long ways and away from civilization for days. I suppose portable solar panels and battery storage would work if you're traveling to a single campsite and are staying there for a while, but I'm not such a purist that I think that would be practical in most cases. But for local work use around a property/ranch/farm, electric is ideal.
    1 point
  2. I reset the computer to factory, solved the problem,
    1 point
  3. It's gotten simpler since that first post now that GC2 form factor batteries are available. But to your comment, this is a one-time thing and is frankly because HiSun went with older technology batteries when it came out. Now to "fill up" I just plug in to an outlet at the end of the day. No going to the station to fill up cans of gas, no fumes, no noise, no oil changes, no maintenance issues with all the additional little parts that keep a combustion engine going and tuned up, no worry that my UTV sat too long between uses and might not start or the gas needs stabilizer. I can even run electric loads like the light bars I installed without leaving an engine running and worrying about the little 12v battery. I've even considered adding a 2000W 48v dc to ac inverter to run power tools.
    1 point
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