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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Might be a while - we have a short drive up a very steep hill, doesn’t do much else apart from that. All I can tell you is it uses 5% of battery to do that round trip of 1k - using that logic range would be 20k’s, but it would obviously be using more to pull a family and shopping up the hill than one person going down the hill, even with regen. I’ve got a 3k flat-ish circuit where we live, might try that. Just fitted the Allion battery gauge, so can finally see the proper state of batt charge and amps being pulled.
    1 point
  2. If you have not gotten a reply to the photo labeled: "Not sure what part this is", it is a inexpensive OBDII reader that uses a Phone App with bluetooth to display code results. It will fit a standard car OBDII connection port.
    1 point
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