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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Should be easy to track the leak...wash everything and then run it.
    1 point
  2. If you noticed my picture, that is our shie tzu that absolutely loves to ride and drive the two seat version that i am normally in.
    1 point
  3. Guys, Thank you so much for taking the time to help out a fellow trooper. I have a two seat trooper that runs great and has had no problems. I bought this one for spare parts and found out that it had 288 miles on it. Figured it would make a great family buggy for somebody that doesn't have the budget for the name brand units. Once I get it running I will look for somebody that fits that mold.
    1 point
  4. If you can't clean the injectors, then don't limit your search to Joyner only engines. John Deere and KawasakI and other lesser known brands use the 3-cyl version of your SQR472 engine. But you might end up buying 6 injectors They might be sold in packs of 3) if you can't buy them individually to get the four you need. You'll just have two spares.
    1 point
  5. On the schematic I'm looking at (which may or may not apply to our Trooper), the injectors get battery voltage from the main relay through a 15 amp fuse and a relay. The main relay is energized by the ignition switch in the run & start positions. The injectors get a short duration pluse that might show on an LED circuit tester. Incandescent lights can't react fast enough. But will appear on an oscilloscope (that many may not have available). If you can find a way to see that pulse, it will tell you if the injetors should be working. If the pulse is there, the injectors are bad.
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the welcome, I can't believe how the shifter locks up I talked to Justin Krep about it and he said that's the way they are being cable and not linkage I asked him about adjustments and he said there is none I feel there has to be a reason why and a solution somewhere.
    1 point
  7. You will need to locate and fix the source of the oil leak or you will be going through belts quickly. Sorry you are having an issue like this at 300 hours.
    1 point
  8. Unless you own or have regular access to wide open country, those "rockets" are a waste of money. Like many, if you need a machine to do work around the property, speed is your last concern. So Scott is spot on. I too have an off shore UTV, a Hisun 550 (Coleman Outfitter stickered). About 90 hours of hauling firewood, pulling down dead trees, fetching rounds out of the forested hillsides and hauling dirt, mulch and cut tree limbs and bush in the bed. It's a little on the "crude" side as far as operation and engine, but so far has been "OK". I operate in low range 100% and it is plenty of speed. Only thing so far is that the E-brake has failed. I think the caliper is froze up as there is plenty of pad left. Just haven't gotten into it yet. Overall, its just OK, not excellent. You might consider upping the budget as suggested by Joe B, and get a bit more quality build. However a lot of features are options on the big name brands. Personally, I'm not excited about buying used. Just too much unknowns there on this type of equipment. Just a few opinions here. Good luck in your search and purchase.
    1 point
  9. As I tried to do a conversion with the Yamaha 660 motor, I realized the 660 was never fuel injected so it would not work for the fuel injected hisun motor swap. But the good thing is the hisun 750 motor is a clone of the 660 Yamaha but with the components for the fuel injection (cam/crank position sensor). So that left me with a new rebuilt Yamaha 660 and still a broke 750 hisun motor. I took apart 750 think the timing chain had broke from all that I've heard about these motors. The chain was not broke, but just off cam and crank gears! The chain tensioner was at fault! I've ordered Yamaha 660 replacement parts, chain, two exhaust valves (which got bent when chain came off while motor was spinning) and seals. The piston has 2 little nicks where it had hit valves but no damage otherwise. The head is being redone at the machine shop and I'll be putting it back together in the next couple of weeks. Also I finally tracked down a Service Manual with all the info on the 550/750 Challenger.
    1 point
  10. I bought generic cover from Amazon that was designed for SXS UTV's. It has tie down anchors and straps. I used it for 2 winters and it worked well. I subsequently found space in my machinery shed for it.
    1 point
  11. Hisun Junk, how about a follow-up? What happened with your machine? I'm in essentially the same boat and am trying to decide what to do next.
    1 point
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