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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2025 in all areas

  1. Thanks. I need a passenger side seat also. Been watching Marketplace but nothing yet. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. Won't do that until I get it running.
    2 points
  2. Welcome, to the board. In in Eastern, KY also. Not any local authorized repair shop around here that I can find. Haven't tried any other place. Since it been down for a while. Charge the battery. Then check for spark. Check for any loose wires and connections. I changed the oem seats in my Axis 500, replaced with seats from a RZR from ebay. I made the seat base and they fit pretty good. I gave 1 of the seats to a guy up the road for spreading some dirt in the driveway. Gave one to my brother to replace a seat on his mower. Good luck, let us know how it goes.
    1 point
  3. Thanks. Someone has already hung several new parts on it, to no avail. That's how I got it. I can't get it to the shop for another couple of days due to the snow storm, but hopefully by the end of the week.
    1 point
  4. Welcome to the site. Consider testing and diagnosis before throwing parts at it. Doing that only compounds the problem and often masks what is actually wrong with it. Rember the basics of ICEs. Spark, Compression and Fuel. Test for spark and compression. Then try firing it up with a dribble of gas into the cylinder to see if it will run for a second or two. If it does, you've narrowed the problem down to fuel delivery. I've read that some of these earlier models particularly Hisuns were shipped without in line fuel filters. Their fuel injectors are sensitive to poor or dirty fuel so they quit or won't let it run much at if at all. Good luck Doctor, hope you diagnose the disease and that whatever it is, its an easy and cheap cure.
    1 point
  5. Thanks guys! .... I purchased a Kaw Mule instead of the 2015 Massimo 550 - but sure this helped someone else with a TPS issue. Thanks again for all the help!
    1 point
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