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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2025 in all areas

  1. It is a good looking rig for sure, the problem is it is sold by Massimo! As a former dealer I should warn you that Massimo does NOT honor their warrantee, I sold their products for three years and once the total they owed me reached $50,000 in unpaid claims I dropped them. So buyer beware! Try aodes.com they have a brand new Workcross line that is very nice and as of this morning across the country they only had 8 open warranty claims, Scott is the claims adjuster and is awesome~!
    1 point
  2. Hi Space Ghost and welcome. I'm one of the originals here but don't post much these days. After reading your posts I feel obliged to reach out to you. Firstly thanks for your service and the sacrifices you've made. We are a Powersports Dealer and can and will give you at least a 10% discount on parts and accessories you may need. Contact other Powersports dealers and they will help you too. You deserve to get the best deals going. Contact me at any time and just mention UTV Board. Thanks, Mike.
    1 point
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