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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2025 in all areas

  1. Any options on this machine
    1 point
  2. Hey, I own a 2019 Massimo with a Linhai engine. This is my second Chinese made UTV, and both have been relatively trouble - free. I don't have any experience with Hisun products, just what I see here. Some have been happy with their Hisun, some not so much (such as Joe, with good reason). His issue is as much with Tractor Supply as it is with Hisun (or Massimo) for not honoring the warranty, and I get that. When you spend a lot of money on an item, and something goes wrong, you expect some sort of assistance from the seller and/or the manufacturer. In his case, he received no assistance from either. I don't mean to be telling his story, but I definitely get why he's so negative about Massimo and/or Hisun.
    1 point
  3. Aha.....now I know who you are
    1 point
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