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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2025 in all areas

  1. Use good motorcycle oil. It has a wet clutch. I use Castrol Motorcycle oil.
    1 point
  2. I have a 550 and the gear shifter is a stiff, often difficult thing to use. There is a trick to getting it into low without it popping out of gear when you give it gas. My "LOW" is all the up on the shift knob. I saw a Hisun dealer video that said to keep upward pressure on the shifter with your hand as you slowly give it gas to move forward. There will be an almost imperceptible "click" when it starts to move. Mine does this 7 or 8 times out of 10 and as long as it does that last tiny click, it won't pop out of gear. I operate on some very steep inclines so I have to be sure the low range IS engaged. I think the check engine lamp is also the oil pressure monitor but I could be wrong. I always wait the few seconds until the check engine lamp goes out to shift into gear and move. My 550 does exactly the same on start up. I found that if you turn the key on, and wait a couple of seconds for the fuel pump to get up to pressure and stop before cranking to start, it usually will not try to die out when it does start, or lessens that. Sort of guessing that the injector may be slightly starved for fuel while the pump gets up to pressure. Once there, no problem. Lastly, these like premium gas. They will run on 87 octane but prefer higher. Also look to be sure your machine has an in line fuel filter. Some were shipped without them causing early injector failure. Those don't like any dirt at all.
    1 point
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