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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2025 in all areas

  1. Funny you mention that. I purchased the factory mirrors from Kioti. Well while plowing close to Arborvitaes the passenger mirror broke off. Turns out the only thing holding it on was a bolt just countersunk in the plastic mold. Terrible design! So I replaced the mirror part with Amazon purchased cheap UTV mirrors. They look and work better then the much more expensive factory mirrors. If interested I can upload a pic.
    1 point
  2. CSM I have not found much, other than mirrors on Amazon, as aftermarket for my Kioti, 2200PS
    1 point
  3. Really depends whats most important to you. It sounds like speed and payload are the most important to you. Easiest way to compare is download the spec sheets and compare. That should be a good starting point followed by reviews and availability.
    1 point
  4. CSM, how do you like your Kioti?
    1 point
  5. Not long here myself, and don't have a Kioti anything, but welcome to the site! And a hearty Thank You!
    1 point
  6. That’s great CSM. You must have the K9? What type of plow did you get, was it hired to install? I have 2200PS, and after the first year of warranty problems, I like mine too. Mine tops out at about 24-25 mph, but I don’t run it that fast. It’s too loud. I don’t have a plow, but I’m thinking of getting one. I did install the skid plates, CV guards, roof, windshield and light horn set. Sadly mine has so many problems from the get go, the dealer had it 7 of the first 12 months.
    0 points
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