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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2010 in Status Updates

  1. eHello all utv s by s owners! Preferably Seeking HISUN owners to help me keep my favorite utv running tip-top!
    2 points
  2. Hi Travis, I want to take a moment and say thank you for your time to help me figure out the problem with my Stampede. It wound up being a cam sensor a local repair shop figured out. I ordered one through Country Cat which is a great source for many makes and had it in two days. So thanks again Travis for your help. Paul
    1 point
  3. silverbullet I just wanted to let you guys know that any tech question i can help you with. I also wanted to thank all of you for our best year ever.It nice to help you guys out. Thanks Rich
    1 point
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