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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2010 in File Comments

  1. 13 hours is about where mine started doing the same thing. I had developed a similar adjustment procedure using neutral as the reference. Tried this process last evening and it was very close to the setting my procedure came up with--been cold and rainy here today; haven't driven it yet... The F/R shift mechanism is in the transmission, a sliding dog collar on the counter shaft, in the crankcase. It is lubricated by engine oil and unrelated to the drive axles...
    1 point
  2. This is great info Cliff! could this be my problem? Just recently the Coleman 400 has been acting up. ( I should also point out it has only 13 hrs on it only ) it slips out of gear when starting out. Its worse when trying to go in reverse, there is a clunk and you heard it spin, its like it almost goes into gear then kicks out. It seems to be less of an issue in 2wd and worse in 4wd, and if the machine is under a load ....ex. in snow 4wd , it feels like it kicks out of gear and nothing happens. I changed out the gear oil, which was low ( from the factory) and while it seems to be happier with the new oil , it still is acting up. I was going to post the problem to see if anyone could help , when I saw the file. I was actually looking at what they are showing, but wasn't sure what to do. Could this be the reason?
    1 point
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