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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2010 in Files
3 points
Here are a couple more 3D printer files for the HS400/Coleman UT400 & Outfiltter 400. Included in the .zip file are my version of a seat belt interlock defeat insert (SeatBeltThing-01.stl) and an oil filler adapter allowing a 1/2"I.D. hose to be attached making adding oil a less messy operation (OIlFiller-whole-03.stl) --both may also work on other UTVs with similar the seat belt connectors and a 3/4" x 10 threaded dipstick...3 points -
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This .zip file contains the most recent (Per Coleman) Outfitter 400/UT400/HS400UTV-5 Owners manual (HS400UTV-5 OM - 2020.pdf) and my critique of same (HS400UTV-5_OM-2020_Errata.pdf). It is the same manual recently received as a spiral-bound hard-copy from Coleman by fellow member tsheh4 and discussed in two or three threads. My critique was presented to Coleman in late January--I had specifically asked if it would be sent to Hisun; but if so, obviously Hisun ignored it. However I must admit if I were asked to translate what is likely a Chinese language document to English I can guaranty it would not be as good as this is. Kudos to Coleman and Hisun for trying...2 points -
This document contains "who makes what ATV/UTV engine" information from the 2021 EPA emission certification database. IT can be interesting seeing where all this stuff actually comes from. It includes model year, engine family, manufactuer (brand) name, actual engine maker, vehicle maker, certified models, displacement (cc), power¹ (kW, multiply by 0.746 for HP), and at what rpm that power was observed... ------------------------------------------------------ ¹ -the output power shown is that observed by the EPA during testing the bare engine (engine driven accessories installed but not active). It is a much more real number than whatever the vendor claims in their ads...2 points -
Here are a few little parts I made for my new coleman 400. One is a dummy seat belt clip to make the speed limiter think a belt is engaged (for diagnostic purposes only, do not ride without your seat belt on.) Another is a replacment for the circular grommets in the front corner of the bed. The last is a replacement for the rectangular cap at the rear of the frame near the hitch. Parts may need a little sanding depending on your print settings. Enjoy!2 points -
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American Landmaster EV Manuals. Includes the following: Landmaster EV Part Lists 18988-EV-IPL-070522 Landmaster EV Power Steering 19330-EPS Install Instructions Landmaster EV Troubleshooting Guide Rev-A Landmaster Winch Install Manual 19148 070722 Landmaster EV Owners Manual 052121-v3 Landmaster EV Parking Brake Adjustment1 point -
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This is the latest (MY 2020+) HS400 service manual--, it is dated December 2019, I got it from Hisun and edited it to correct spelling, add bookmarks, and flag obviously bad information (they had the transmission and shift mechanism section completely fouled up, showing the 2-speed (L-H-N-R) tranny from the HS500+ models. I inserted a proper transmission shaft (input, counter and output) diagram as well. It has a great electrical diagram I posted separately a while back...1 point -
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This is a complete service manual for the Kawasaki Mule 500,520 and 550 models. Topics covered include Brakes, Steering, Electrical system, suspension and fuel system. As well as engine repair procedures and Transmission/Final Drive procedures. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** If you need more information about the engine this manual linked below is chock full of information. Thanks goes to @cliffyk for getting these files all into one PDF format for uploading.1 point -
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This file contains all specifications,troubleshooting and repair procedures for the FE290D (9.5H.P,286cc) engine used in the Mule 500,520 and 550 models. Topics covered include, general information, service data, disassembly, reassembly,inspection of parts and maintenance. Notes: Make sure you're reading the correct information as this manual covers multiple FE series engine, some of which were not used in Mules, the manual does a very good job of clarifying which specifications and procedures are for which Model engine.1 point -
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