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  1. Since it's designed to go thru mud and water, I can't see how you can hurt it .Just don't spray into the air filter box.I pressure was my UTV and Atvs after each use to prevent corrosion
    3 points
  2. I haven't had any service done there, just bought some parts for my Hisun 400 "Menard's Special." Rural King in Circleville, OH. I imagine that if they have parts any RK would.
    2 points
  3. 👍Thanks. Learn something new every day
    1 point
  4. Trans is part of the name of the mule
    1 point
  5. As was already said, make sure the fan is working. You can easily hear it. Get a continuity tester and test the fan switch. Jumper the fan motor and make sure it works.
    1 point
  6. Thanks to EVSupport for the suggestion to check the 12V battery. I haven't had any problems with any of the 12V accessories including the winch, but out of curiosity I unplugged the UTV and turned off the main pack batteries (they have an on/off button, the US version doesn't have the "big red button" disconnect.) By the end of the day the 12V battery was reading 6V. The moment I turned the main pack back on I could tell it was charging the 12V battery, so the fact that I leave the UTV plugged in was masking the declining state of the 12V battery. Briefly looked for a lithium replacement because of the longer lifespan, but couldn't find one that I was sure would work with the charging designed for the lead AGM battery. So just replacing with the same.
    1 point
  7. I thought along the same lines. I needed a little verification b4 I proceed. Thank you Jim
    1 point
  8. I have had zero issues! I need to get the battery meter in the buggy updated to ready the battery level correctly but the Bluetooth app works perfect. I have way more range and so much faster. No low voltage errors.
    1 point
  9. ok here is my install 2018 Hisun Sector E1 had 8 AGM 6 volts in it and went with 4 48v Epoch Lithiums. The new charger is installed where the delta Q was and installed the new gauge on the best possible spot. charger port where the gas filler would be.
    1 point
  10. There should be oil pressure there to trigger the light so I don't see why you can't tap that for mechanical style gauge
    1 point
  11. Make sure your cooling fans is working
    1 point
  12. i have a 2020 hisun 400 utv and brought my bike to a yamaha dealer in canada they said they would work on it.which needed new timing chain and guides and topend rebuilt.after 4 months i went and picked up my bike because they said they couldnt get parts. so i got on amazon and recieved all parts within 30 days.now to get the repair manual out. lol
    1 point
  13. ebay & Amazon, it's a crapshoot, certainily no dealer support.
    1 point
  14. That’s better mileage than I thought it would be. I’m fixing to pull the trigger. Yesterday the 4 pack 48V 30ah Bluetooth was $370.00 each. Might not be the best but it’s certainly got to be better than what I have now. Thanks again for all your help
    1 point
  15. We just use the buggy to hunt off of, plant green fields, fill feeders and haul game out of the woods. I can plug in every night if needed. I really appreciate your advice. I do a lot of reading but my 73 year old brain doesn’t comprehend what I’m reading sometimes. Thanks again for the information. Have a blessed day brother
    1 point
  16. Joe, I'm in Michigan and using their "find a dealer" the only facilities I could find are either in Canada or in Ohio. Made me curious on whether anyone has found any near their locations. Have a good week.
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the site!! And a huge thank you for your service!! That is a beautiful machine! From the pics it hardly looks used! Congrats and enjoy it!!
    1 point
  18. !2v is continuously charged from the pack via the DC to DC, this is rated to a pack voltage of well over 80v . Its really worth turning off the pack (lead or Li ) and checking the 12v battery after about 10 mins. If its showing under 12v replace it. We are seeing a lot of the 12v battery dying at two to three years old. You dont see it normally as the DC to DC just tops it up., but that will flatten a pack in about two weeks.
    1 point
  19. I didn't change either of those and everything works just fine. I'm still using the original 12v battery.
    1 point
  20. Just found this video that will solve this issue.
    1 point
  21. Use good motorcycle oil. It has a wet clutch. I use Castrol Motorcycle oil.
    1 point
  22. Any options on this machine
    1 point
  23. Travis the model # from the SxS is model # 431 ( 37AR430D100 ) serial # 1H153B00010 The “ B “ in serial# maybe a 8 731-04333 / 931-04333 is C.C. part number for the Diff. Lock Actuator (vacuum operated) This is what I need most .every place that shows them say not available. The roll cage , roof and rear fenders I can live without but just would like to find them as well. Thank Randy
    1 point
  24. I have a 550 and the gear shifter is a stiff, often difficult thing to use. There is a trick to getting it into low without it popping out of gear when you give it gas. My "LOW" is all the up on the shift knob. I saw a Hisun dealer video that said to keep upward pressure on the shifter with your hand as you slowly give it gas to move forward. There will be an almost imperceptible "click" when it starts to move. Mine does this 7 or 8 times out of 10 and as long as it does that last tiny click, it won't pop out of gear. I operate on some very steep inclines so I have to be sure the low range IS engaged. I think the check engine lamp is also the oil pressure monitor but I could be wrong. I always wait the few seconds until the check engine lamp goes out to shift into gear and move. My 550 does exactly the same on start up. I found that if you turn the key on, and wait a couple of seconds for the fuel pump to get up to pressure and stop before cranking to start, it usually will not try to die out when it does start, or lessens that. Sort of guessing that the injector may be slightly starved for fuel while the pump gets up to pressure. Once there, no problem. Lastly, these like premium gas. They will run on 87 octane but prefer higher. Also look to be sure your machine has an in line fuel filter. Some were shipped without them causing early injector failure. Those don't like any dirt at all.
    1 point
  25. Hey, I own a 2019 Massimo with a Linhai engine. This is my second Chinese made UTV, and both have been relatively trouble - free. I don't have any experience with Hisun products, just what I see here. Some have been happy with their Hisun, some not so much (such as Joe, with good reason). His issue is as much with Tractor Supply as it is with Hisun (or Massimo) for not honoring the warranty, and I get that. When you spend a lot of money on an item, and something goes wrong, you expect some sort of assistance from the seller and/or the manufacturer. In his case, he received no assistance from either. I don't mean to be telling his story, but I definitely get why he's so negative about Massimo and/or Hisun.
    1 point
  26. Aha.....now I know who you are
    1 point
  27. Nobody said welcome, and this unfriendly behaviour is the commen sence at this forum. Said. deleted account,
    0 points
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