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  1. good point, perfect is hard to find in anything, especially UTV's.
    2 points
  2. I want to ditch my Kubota RTV-XG850 and its moronic twitchy throttle design flaw, get rid of the problematic engine and the 40 mph purposely throttled speed. So far, I'm looking at the Honda Pioneer 1000 and the Polaris Ranger 1000, both of which have 1000-1500 lb payload bed capacity. What other makes and models should I be looking at? Thanks for the help!
    1 point
  3. Even Kubota has its problem units..I know a guy who's unhappy with his Maserati..😯
    1 point
  4. Thanks for your help Joe, I have been very happy with mine. This is the first time ever had any issue, gets used for work and play. I guess at almost ten years old some of this is to be expected.
    1 point
  5. If you are not happy with a Kubota RTV-XG850 as a work UTV I doubt if you would be happy with any of the others.
    1 point
  6. Well thank you. I am retired now....actually came out of "retirement" to help T/S Chino units for a friend....turned into full time. We had Massimo. Went to the INDY and ORLANDO power sports and met the folks. They actually had the b---s and gave out our shop landline number for T/S help for dogs. I've seen some of your posts...you sound AOK. I have had a time with this old body. My lady in white on my right shoulder has always done me good. Better stop before it gets really deep. Ben
    1 point
  7. Thanks CSM! I wish there were more after market support. Please share if you find a place.
    1 point
  8. Sounds like my Massimo...it was in the shop so much , it was like they owned it and I was just borrowing for a weekend..But Massimo never paid the warranty claims..not one.
    1 point
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