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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Thank you brostar! Yes, I just launched that forum as something I've always wanted to do..being somewhat of an automotiove enthusiast myself.
  2. Alex

    Happy Birthday!

  3. I'd like to welcome some new moderators to the team: RAYJAY mayorOFsalem They will be moderating the RZR and Kawasaki Mule forums. They are both owners and have experience with these machines. They will be helping to bring some life to those sections. Thank you to them and all of our moderating team, for taking their time to support the community!
  4. Can you guys list the UTV brand/model that you own? Thanks!
  5. We are looking to add some new moderators to our forum, to cover our manufacturer specific forums. The requirement is that you own that specific UTV and are a forum regular or plan to be. The forums we are looking to cover are: Arctic Cat Prowler Forum Kawasaki Mule Forum Kawasaki Teryx Forum Polaris Ranger Forum Polaris Ranger (RZR) Forum Yamaha Rhino Forum Honda Big Red Forum KYMCO UTV Forum If you own one of these, are a forum guru, and would like to try a hand at moderating..let us know by replying to this topic. Thanks.
  6. Could we get a link on your site: http://www.grindingstonemx.com/links.asp
  7. Just wondering who on here is on MySpace, Facebook, etc... We are now on MySpace: www.myspace.com/utvboard
  8. Congratulations!!!
  9. Image types allowed are: gif, jpg, jpeg, png Maximum avatar dimensions: 90x90 pixels (should auto resize if your image is outside these dimensions) Max. file size for avatar uploads: 500 Kb (was 50Kb, I just increased this and believe this may have been the issue) Please try your.png again, just make sure the size of the file is under 500kb.
  10. Just added.
  11. RZR Creek Climbing Video
  12. We just added the ability to insert videos, by inserting URLs from Google, Youtube, Brightcove, MySpace, vSocial, & ifilm. To insert a video, simply click on the video insert button and enter the URL of the video. * We do not allow violent, sexual, or obscene material. If we receive negative feedback about a video posted, we reserve the right to remove it.
  13. Figured I would chime in on this one... What you should do is get a deep chrome 18mm Craftsman socket from Sears. I would go with a 12 pt unless your lugs are rounded on the edges, then find a 6 point. It shouldn't crack or shatter, and if it does, your lugs are over torqued. 11/16 is closer to 17mm. 3/4 is 19mm, there is no standard socket equivalent for 18mm.
  14. Added: UTV Ride Reports UTV Pictures and Videos Also added category images to help with navigation.
  15. The same features with adding a photo in a thread like at http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=317714, are available here...I'm not sure what you would want to add except maybe a separate forum for Photos and Videos, or Ride reports forum.. All the photos in that thread are hosted at another site. All you do to add a photo in a thread is grab the url, then use the button, which will bring up a popup for you to enter the photo URL. That's it really. We do not have a video upload section, I can look into adding functionality to display a Youtube video within posts....
  16. Has this been resolved? Anyone else having issues?
  17. I would like to know our member's thoughts on this. Are we lacking in any forums/categories here in the community? Should we add any? Maybe a pictures and videos forum, or a tech forum, or any other type of category.... Any ideas are welcome!
  18. Just updated our logo....hope you all like it!
  19. Just added "recent images" block on the front page of the forum.
  20. We've just completed our Gallery section upgrade: http://www.utvboard.com/index.php?autocom=gallery If you would like to suggest a category, please post it in this thread.
  21. You may notice a speed increase and page loads moving faster as we just migrated to a newer, faster server. That was the reason for our site being down yesterday. If you are having any issues with this site, please post in this thread.
  22. Looks good, you may want to check with various state regulations on having passengers in a trailer, of an off road vehicle. Proper harnesses, weight, etc. This is ofcourse if you plan on selling these to the public and want to avoid a lawsuit if something should happen. Just a suggestion.
  23. For those that do not know, http://www.tomcar.com/
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