Hello All... (2015 MSU 500)
Well, I finally got a chance to start the diagnostic on the machine. I have found: 1) has spark, 2) has fuel, fuel pump working (and injector is spraying), 3) has compression. Cranks (at a good speed), but will not start. Sounds like it wants to start, fires every once in a while, and the use of starting fluid makes no change.
Not sure if the valve timing is correct. Does anyone know (or know of a good place to find) how the timing marks should be aligned for TDC ? There are 2-dimples on the camshaft (opposite of one another), and currently they appear to be in line pointing to the crank at I think what is TDC (i.e. in line with the piston, rod, and crank). I can't find an inspection window to see any crank timing marks.
Also, I have what I believe to be some fault indicators displaying on the dash info display. They are as follows: 201, blinks 4 times, 202, blinks 4 times, 352, blinks 5 times, 336, blinks 5 times, and 37, blinks 5 times. Anyone know where I can find what they may be indicating ? The ECM looks brand new, and the fuse/relay box was replaced by me (previous owner destroyed it trying to get it open).
The unit has only 775 miles on it, and 127 hours. It's in good shape, with what I believe all original tires and equipment (although it's missing a passenger seat).
Any thoughts would be appreciated.