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H Loc

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  1. I appreciate this insight.. Helps a lot.. Now I feel I am not the only one experiencing these symptoms How fast have you pushed your machine over 25mph yet? I don't dare has the engine revvs so loud feels like I might blow the engine
  2. when I fire it up the check engine light comes on and idling feels like engines gonna die then check engine light disappears and idles fine.. its extremely loud which apparently is normal then I press the gas it revs really loud to about 3000rpms and that's when i don't wanna go quicker then 15mph i really wanted to go faster the tranny sometimes doesn't engage.. especially when I want to go to LOW.. usually I have to make sure it engages to HIGH first then switch to low.. sometimes the gear is just hard to move.. maybe bc wheels are turned too much idk.. but this week I will take some videos not sure if I can upload them
  3. I am having same issues when idling as well.. I don't want to push pass 3000rpms or 15mph bc its so loud is that just the way it is?
  4. Got almost the same machine and set up. Bought mine in Peterborough ON.. but the engine and tranny I am not too happy with.. It does the job to plow but I can't go over 15mph without hearing the engine roar.. tranny is terrible especially hitting LOW
  5. I got a new 2022 Hisun Sector 750 I only use it for plowing and does the job but The transmission is not that smooth and need to really pull it to get it into gear sometimes.. Getting it into LOW is a pain at times It idles really rough.. The check engine light always pops up when I start but goes away after a few seconds When i revv over 3000rpms the engine makes a heap of noise.. and can't go over 15mph without hearing it from the engine You get what you pay for
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