I was MIG welding and had ground was clamped to the metal I was welding on. Drove it two times after that for about 100 miles. Guess I will find a ECU and try it, if its not the problem I'll have a spare.
Yes have the wiring diagram, went riding two weekends ago ran fine, came home parked it in garage came out last Sun just to start it to keep batt charged thats when it wouldn't start.
Anyone have a ECU for sale?
My fuse box is behind the drivers seat with (3) JD141B relays mounted below it, I replaced all of these. You are correct no fan no fuel other gauges do cycle, engine cranks won't start.
I'M in chandler Az
08 T2 - Fan and fuel pump don't come on engine turns over but won't start, with the key in the on position I get 12V to 3 of the wires on the ign switch but only 8.8V on the 4th wire in start position any Ideas where to start? All fuses are good.