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Everything posted by Shortedout96

  1. Looking for an intake gasket is there any that match up that I can get from auto parts store?
  2. I was just curious if anyone knows of any dealers in Missouri? I have a Trooper and it just I am wanting to switch to a Renegade which would work a lot better for me...
  3. Checked fuel pressure today was at about 45-50lbs... Adjusted the regulator up to 60, drove around about 20 mins thn it tried to die didnt make it back to fuel pressure gauge in time to check it before it idled back up... Changed plugs and air filter today Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
  4. The first set of wires with green ends looks like winch remote wires
  5. So I do have the first O2 sensor that was before the cat, the second one behind the cat is not on it anymore so i guess i will try a new fuel pump... Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
  6. I cut my catalytic converter off so the O2 sensors are no longer on it... Could that be why it dies
  7. I have a 09 trooper... Last night it died on me and would start right back up, would run 20 ft and die, start right back up and then die again.. Did that for about a half mile till I got to my trailer i stopped and it would idle any ideas what it could be... I am going to change the fuel filter this week... Any body have a fuel filter part number from a auto parts store that will fit? Thank You Adam
  8. Where is the switch located my back up lights worked then didn't then worked again but have not work for awhile now Thank You
  9. Thanks for all the help, I the rearend apart and back together... It's back on the rig ready to go... Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks Lenny... I tried a bearing separator and using a pulley puller but broke the pulley puller... So I will try it a different way... Knarfi thanks for your assistance too this is one stubborn rearend... I will try the separator again if it don't work I will put the rearend back together and back on the rig and try the chain method... Knarfi... I live in Missouri Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  11. The part I am trying to remove is what the axles slip into that is, the part is out side the dif case it attaches to the splines of the side shafts... Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  12. Lenny I got the two upgrade kits in... I need some insight to how to get to the C clip that holds the bell onto the side shafts? Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  13. Thank You Lenny, I pulled the difference out today and pulled the pinion out and took the side case off... Found that the retaining ring on one of the spider gears came off causing the spider gear to slip and caught part of the rearend case where the pinion seats towards center of case. It chewed about half of it out... I am wondering if it can be used and be all right or if I will have to break down and buy a replacement complete rearend? See pictures... Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  14. While hunting this past week I was headed back from my stand and my rearend went out, is there a common issue that fails... Curious to know before I pull the rearend out? Thanks Adam Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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