Kinafari, Im sorry, im still very confused. My main alternator wire no longer goes directly to the battery. In aggravation, I ran 8 guage from the main terminal/positive post of the starter solenoid(where my alternator feed leap frogged to) to the to the cutoff switch. I ran 8 gauge from my battery positive lead to the other of the switch. The battery cutoff switch does exactly that now. The downside is when you take this battery key out, the buggy will run off the alternator making it useless as an emergency shutoff. I make 14.1 volts with the battery out of the loop and 13.0 with the battery connected.
I am losing my mind here. I took the battery key out, in essence disconnected the entire positive lead from the buggy, and a week later the battery was dead AGAIN. Nothing I have done fixes this drain. I monitered the charging system at idle for 30 mins and it never dropped below 13.0. The battery was low however.
Any other ideas? My understanding is with the postive lead of the battery completely disconnected, nothing can draw?